Na území Austrálie se nachází a také těží přibližně 95 % všech drahých opálů na světě. O zbývajících 5 % se větší či menší měrou dělí asi 19 státních území. Přičemž ve většině z nich se drahé opály pouze nacházejí a jen v devíti státech probíhá i jejich těžba. Australské drahé opály se od drahých opálů nacházejících se ve zbytku světa liší především svým původem. Zatímco ve světě šlo ve všech případech o důsledek vulkanické činnosti a hydrotermálních procesů, pak v Austrálii vznikaly opály většinou jako produkt procesu zvětrávání. Více
A beautiful pair of natural precious opals that go beautifully together. 11x8x2mm, 13x8x2mm, 2,34ct
A beautiful pair of natural precious opals that go beautifully together. 19x7x3mm, 13x8x3mm, 4,22ct
A beautiful pair of natural precious opals that go beautifully together. 14x9x2mm, 17x10x3mm, 5ct
A beautiful pair of natural precious opals that go beautifully together. 22x6x2mm, 18x7x2mm, 3,68ct
High quality rough precious opal from Australia (Lightning Ridge) - a mixture of quality opals with rare and distinctive colours.
High quality rough precious opal from Australia (Lightning Ridge) - a mixture of quality opals with rare and distinctive colours.
High quality rough precious opal from Australia (Lightning Ridge) - a mixture of quality opals with rare and distinctive colours.
High quality rough precious opal from Australia (Lightning Ridge) - a mixture of quality opals with rare and distinctive colours.
A beautiful pair of natural precious opals that go beautifully together. 17x11x2mm, 13x9x2mm, 4,13ct
A beautiful pair of natural precious opals that go beautifully together. 16x8x4mm, 17x6x4mm, 4,58ct
A beautiful pair of natural precious opals that go beautifully together. 14x13x3mm, 10x10x3mm, 5,22ct
Beautiful set of natural precious opals from Australia. 13x8x2mm, 10x8x3mm, 10x6x3mm, 9x8x2mm, 5ct
A beautiful pair of natural precious opals that go beautifully together. 15x12x2mm, 13x10x3mm, 4,67ct
Natural precious opal from Australia (Lightning Ridge) 17x4x3mm, 15x6x4mm, 3,58ct
A beautiful pair of natural precious opals that go beautifully together. 12x11x3mm, 7x5x3mm, 2,9ct
A beautiful pair of natural precious opals that go beautifully together. 18x7x4mm, 14x7x3mm, 4,71ct
A beautiful pair of natural precious opals that go beautifully together. 15x7x4mm, 11x7x3mm, 3,84ct
A beautiful pair of natural precious opals that go beautifully together. 11x8x2mm, 9x9x2mm, 2,33ct
Beautiful pair of natural precious opals from Australia. 13x6x3mm, 13x7x3mm, 3,29ct
Beautiful set of natural precious opals from Australia. 13x6x3mm, 9x6x2mm, 8x5x3mm, 2,62ct
Natural precious opal from Australia. 17x7x2,8mm, 15,2x6,5x2,6mm, 3,88ct
Natural precious opal from Australia (Lightning Ridge) 8,7x8,7x3,6mm, 1,76ct
Natural precious opal from Australia. 14x8x2,8mm, 12x8,5x3mm, 3,89ct
Natural precious opal from Australia. 12x7x3,4mm, 8x7x3mm, 2,52ct
Natural precious opal from Australia. 16x8,5x4,3mm, 11x7,4x3mm, 3,83ct
High quality rough precious opal from Australia (Lightning Ridge) - a mixture of quality opals with rare and distinctive colours.
High quality rough precious opal from Australia (Lightning Ridge) - a mixture of quality opals with rare and distinctive colours.
High quality rough precious opal from Australia (Lightning Ridge) - a mixture of quality opals with rare and distinctive colours.
High quality rough precious opal from Australia (Lightning Ridge) - a mixture of quality opals with rare and distinctive colours.
High quality rough precious opal from Australia (Queensland) - a mixture of quality opals with rare and distinctive colours.
High quality rough precious opal from Australia (Lightning Ridge) - a mixture of quality opals with rare and distinctive colours.
High quality rough precious opal from Australia (Lightning Ridge) - a mixture of quality opals with rare and distinctive colours.
Natural precious opal from Australia (Lightning Ridge)...